TRIO talks

We’re communicators. Of course, we have something to say. More importantly, we make time to listen so we can thoughtfully craft these blog posts for you. Welcome to our collection of tips, tricks, best practices, industry updates, noteworthy news and agency wins. Enjoy!

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Audience Targeting: What It Is and Why You Need It

Think of some of your favorite brands. Why do you gravitate toward them? Maybe they keep you laughing, like when Wendy’s burns a competitor on X. Maybe […]

Jayden Simmons

Jayden Simmons



Intro to Keywords: What are keywords, and how do I use them?

Think of your last Google search, whether it was the forecast for a weekend trip or how many people watched the WNBA draft. You probably typed in […]

Jayden Simmons

Jayden Simmons


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