09/06/2018 Marketing and Public Relations, Office Culture

Team TRIO Book Club

There are few things more satisfying than diving headfirst into a good book. Maybe it’s just me — after all, I am totally obsessed with words in all shapes and forms — but I believe there’s something truly magical about finding a story or an author that speaks to your soul and can either give you a new perspective on life or reaffirm what you already feel.

I could gush all day about books and why I think reading is so important (especially in today’s world of shorthand), but that’s a blog for another time. Today, I’m going to let the rest of Team TRIO share what books they are immersed in at the moment and you can see firsthand how diverse our team truly is.

Katie – Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

It’s no surprise that I’m not the only one who has this book on my bookshelf. A few other members of team TRIO are reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestseller about harnessing creativity and recognizing inspiration when it comes knocking at your door. It also just so happens that Elizabeth Gilbert will be at the upcoming C4WNEW Conference that TRIO is helping with, so chances are we will have a lot to talk to her about come Nov. 15.

Big Magic Elizabeth Gilbert Marketing

What Katie says about the book:

“Every chapter I read, I feel like I gain this new surge of creative empowerment. It makes me want to just go out and create just for the fun of it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is in a creative slump or needs a reminder that being creative should be fun!”


Jenny – The Four Agreements

In addition to reading Big Magic, Jenny is also exploring the words of bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz, as he shares his wisdom on how to achieve true happiness in life. Pair those books with her figurines from ‘The Happiest Place on Earth,’ and Jenny’s bookshelf is overflowing with good vibes.

The Four Agreements Marketing

What Jenny says about the book:

“I can honestly say this book has profoundly impacted me. I am easily inspired by other people’s words, and this book takes a deep dive into how we can actively alter our perception of ourselves and the life that we choose to live. I would highly recommend it!”


Abbie – Into the Water

Abbie always has at least one finger on the pulse of what’s trending in today’s world. That’s how she first stumbled upon the bestselling book, “Into the Water.” Plus, with her penchant for suspenseful books, this book selection was a true no-brainer for her. Spoiler alert: this book has a tone of twists and turns to keep you on your toes.

Into the Water Paula Hawkins Marketing

What Abbie says about the book:

“This book is quite the page-turner. I’m still in the midst of it, but you truly never know what’s going to happen next. It’s a fantastic, mysterious summer read.”


Molly – Small Great Things

Molly tends to rely on her favorite bibliophile (her mom) for book recommendations, and this was one of those books her mom read and immediately gave her to read. Molly’s favorite book of all-time is “To Kill a Mockingbird” and this book is a bit of a modern variation where race is the key discussion. Not everyone likes books that make them feel uncomfortable or discusses difficult topics, but this is one of those books that makes you think, feel and see multiple points of view. Bonus: it has one of the most satisfying endings, so if you can get through the rough parts, you’ll be rewarded.

Jodi Picoult Small Great Things Marketing

What Molly says about the book:

“Timely and relevant, this book feels a lot like a modern-day To Kill a Mockingbird. I could not physically put down this book and had many long night reading sessions. You really become invested in the characters and the story.”


Mark – Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life

Anyone who has met Mark knows he is obsessed with surfing. I mean, a full wall of his office is covered with a picture of a perfect wave, and another one is covered with pictures of the Pacific Ocean. Need we say more? So, we weren’t shocked to discover that he is currently in the midst of William Finnegan’s Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiography about surfing.

Barbarian Days Marketing

What Mark says about the book:

“This is a great memoir from a long-time New Yorker writer who chronicles how surfing has been a constant thread throughout his life. It’s interesting to hear how he built his career over the years while prioritizing his passions in different ways over different time periods.”


Laurel – All the Light We Cannot See

Our resident Anglophile, Laurel’s love for England and its history runs deep. If you were to ask her what time period she feels most drawn to in England’s history, she would say, “World War II.” Which makes a lot of sense when you see the book she’s currently reading, which is about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths cross at the very end of World War II.

All the Light We Cannot See Marketing

What Laurel says about the book:

“I’m not finished with it yet, but so far I’ve really loved the descriptive writing style of it. The author paints such a clear picture of what’s happening and creates this visceral experience of the surroundings that you really feel like you’re walking alongside her.”


Julia – Anne of Green Gables

An old soul at heart, Julia is a sucker for the classics. And sometimes in this tech-heavy industry, it’s a welcome relief to go back to a simpler time like the one created by L.M. Montgomery. For those who only read the SparkNotes version of this book in school, you owe it to yourself to go back and read this book cover-to-cover.

Anne of Green Gables Marketing

What Julia says about the book:

“This book, along with Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, has been in a constant rotation in my life for a long time. I’ve probably read Anne of Green Gables at least six or seven times. It’s such an incredible, heartwarming story that I love re-living over and over again.”


Do you think it’s possible for Team TRIO to come together and start a book club? Let us know your thoughts or opinions about company book clubs in the comments on Facebook!