05/30/2024 Marketing and Public Relations, Office Culture

The Power of Connection: How Networking Can Grow Your Brand

Two people shaking hands

Everyone in business knows the adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” While that may be typically associated with landing your dream job, networking is about more than making connections for yourself. 

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) networking are vital to any company or organization looking to grow. Whether engaging a new customer base, identifying potential partners or seeking a nonprofit organization to support, mastering B2B and B2C networking can only increase your value.

Engaging New Customers

Networking is all about how you sell yourself. We practice elevator pitches, have extra business cards on hand and seek out local events to create new connections. And remember, while personal connections do help businesses reach new customers, you have to consider how your business itself is networking with target audiences and markets.

In a 2023 study by Nielson, 92% of consumers reported trusting recommendations from friends and family over any other advertising method. Making a positive impression on your current customers not only keeps them coming back to you but also helps in creating new loyal clients. 

Great products and services paired with top-notch customer service are your business’s elevator pitch. Keep those honed and current, and new customers will follow.

Forging New Partnerships

As your business grows, you can expand to new territories, invest in your own business and create new opportunities for your customers and your employees. But expansion can be daunting. So, don’t be afraid to seek out help from others who have the experience or can provide the capital you seek.

As the expert on your business, you know your strengths and areas for improvement. You know the areas you excel in and where you need to improve. Keep these things in mind as you evaluate potential partnerships. Who has what you need, and which of their needs can you fill in return? 

Remember, a partnership is not a merger but a give-and-take. 

Also, it’s ok if things don’t work out as planned! Not every partnership will flourish, so use these opportunities to explore what made your peers’ partnerships work or fail. Implementing these best practices can help in the process:

  • Clearly define the areas in which partnerships should be built based on strategy and objectives.
  • Don’t just go for the first available option. Treat potential partnerships like you would a new hire and vet multiple partners to find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Determine what partnership structure makes the most sense for both partners.
  • Clearly define how to address any issues that arise early in the partnership.
  • Task individuals or groups within both companies to support and enable the partnership.

Networking with investors, fellow business leaders and entrepreneurs can help you bridge the gaps between where your company is and where you want it to be. 

Cause-based Business

Everyone has a passion or hobby. But what about the causes that are near and dear to your heart? Could your business directly support local, regional, national or global nonprofits?

It’s simple to make a donation, but why not leverage your unique position as a business owner to boost the causes you care about? The potential “social capital” gained could benefit both your missions in the long run.

For 40 years, Dawn Dish Soap has partnered with different nonprofits to help clean birds and other coastal wildlife affected by oil spills. Through these continued efforts, Dawn has leveraged their contributions into meaningful ad campaigns that keep their brand synonymous with conservation efforts.

Meet local nonprofits, find the organizations that impact your target audiences, and leverage your passion for good causes into positive growth. 

Build a Relationship with Our Marketing Pros

Team TRIO is relationship-obsessed! We love supporting our partners and elevating their missions. From event planning and execution to print marketing, digital ads, social media support and more, our full-service marketing and communications agency is ready to help you shine. Contact us today to learn more about our marketing, event and web solutions.



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