09/07/2010 CreateAthon, Make a Difference, Marketing and Public Relations

TRIO Visits East Cooper Meals on Wheels

As the Trio team prepares for the upcoming annual CreateAthon event on September 16, we are making efforts to visit each of the 5 Lowcountry-based nonprofits that we will be working with. First up – East Cooper Meals on Wheels, located off of Hwy. 17N in Mount Pleasant.

We arrived at a ‘quiet’ time in the day for them – NOT the early morning, when their volunteers are busily sorting and packing meals, and heading out to their daily routes to serve meals to those who cannot provide for themselves or safely drive to purchase food. We had a great impromptu tour around their newly expanded facility, led by the lovely Cecilia.

Now that we have a greater understanding of the entire process and all that the organization does, we are even more excited to work around the clock for this amazing organization.
Looking to give back in your own way? East Cooper Meals on Wheels is always looking for volunteers and donations to their pantry – especially peanut butter, cereals, and powdered milk!

Visit their Web site for more information: www.ecmow.org



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