09/26/2017 CreateAthon, Make a Difference, Marketing and Public Relations

Work That Makes a Difference

Year after year, we hear from a variety of organizations that are in desperate need of effective communications assistance to help further their missions within our community. With more than 25 applications this year, we narrowed the final clients down to five deserving nonprofits from a variety of fields. From food banks to senior living assistance, our team chose these amazing groups based on what we felt most passionate about.

Learn more about the organizations we’ll be diving deeper into this October during our collaborative 24-hour marketing marathon:

  1. Carolina Youth Development Center works to empower and equip our community’s most vulnerable children by providing a safe environment, educational support and career readiness in collaboration with families and community partners.
  1. Charleston Area Senior Citizens Services provides opportunities for elders to pursue mutual interests, receive services and participate in programs and services to enhance their dignity, improve their health, support their independence and encourage their involvement in the community.
  1. East Cooper Land Trust is a community-supported organization devoted to conserving natural spaces, thus the quality of life for current and future generations.
  1. Lowcountry Food Bank leads the fight against hunger while serving the 10 coastal counties of South Carolina. They aim to distribute more than 26 million pounds of food each year.
  1. St. Frances Animal Center provides a safe and nurturing environment for abandoned and mistreated dogs and cats within the Georgetown community until they can be placed in loving homes.

See why we’re eagerly awaiting the brand-building sleepless slumber party that is CreateAthon? We can’t wait to work around-the-clock to help this group of deserving nonprofits shine just a little bit brighter as they continue to help those in need.