09/21/2012 CreateAthon, Make a Difference, Marketing and Public Relations

Wrapping up 24 Hours of Creative Insanity

With 30 minutes left in this year’s Createathon, we want to take a moment to thank the incredible nonprofits that gave us the opportunity to take a break from our normal, somewhat sane daily work lives to help them accomplish their missions. The past 24 hours have consisted of creative juices flowing, humbled moments of gratefulness, mixed with a little 80s Pandora around 3 a.m. – all in the name of giving back! Here’s to our 2012 Createathon recipients! We’re signing off to go get some shut-eye and look forward to unveiling our creations on Monday and Tuesday. In the meantime, keep up the great work and making a difference every day of the year!

  • Green Heart Project – cultivating character and success in kids through the power of an urban garden
  • HALOS – working to improve the lives of abused and neglected children
  • Healing Farms – providing programs for adults with developmental disabilities and their families
  • One Less Meal – tackling hunger by asking others to give up one meal
  • Respite Care of Charleston – helping families who face the challenges of living with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia

Want to see what we created? Stay tuned. We have to share with our recipients first. We’ll post the fruits of our labor over the course of Monday and Tuesday next week. In the meantime, we’re going to get some much-needed rest. Catch ya on the flip side! – Team TRIO

Jessica Munday

Jessica Munday

CEO, Founder & Visionary